
Erika Moody, FIIDA Inaugurated as IIDA 2024-2025 International Board President

Erika Moody, FIIDA, President of Helix Architecture + Design, was inaugurated as the International Interior Design Association (IIDA) 2024-2025 International Board President on June 9 during IIDA’s annual meeting at NeoCon. The IIDA is the commercial interior design association with a global network of members across 58 countries. 

“Erika’s commitment to the profession and the industry is an incredible asset as the leader of our International Board of Directors,” said IIDA Executive Vice President and CEO, Cheryl S. Durst, Hon. FIIDA in a release. “In particular, her focus on education and advocacy for designers is a key alignment as we continue to build the future of the design profession.”

Three women on stage during a conference

During her remarks at the annual meeting, Erika noted that this accomplishment comes at a significant time for IIDA, marking its 30th year as a professional member organization. 

“Today, we begin to celebrate the 30th year of IIDA — 30 years of design excellence,” she said. “It has me reflecting on the start of my journey through design education and into practice, and I was struck with the thought: we grew up together! But also how different would it have been to have IIDA as a student, and how amazing for our students and emerging professionals today to have this robust organization for learning, leadership, and belonging.”

As a self-professed fan of numbers, the number 30 has proved to be an important one for Erika: she was also named President of Helix as the firm entered its 30-year anniversary.

Serving as President of the International Board is the latest of Erika’s many commitments to IIDA. She was previously IIDA Mid-America Chapter President and a Lead the Way Mentor. In 2017, Erika was recognized with the IIDA MADA Vision Award, which is the highest award given by the Mid-America Chapter to an individual who exemplifies notable qualities in leadership, design, and mentorship. She joined the IIDA International Board as Vice President in 2019, and as a testament to her impressive career, Erika was elevated to Fellowship with IIDA in 2022

Erika’s tenure comes at a significant moment for IIDA, with the organization spearheading efforts with design legislation, licensure, and increasing access to the profession. 

“With one year as your President, my hope is to continue on the 30-year path already set in front of us,” said Erika, “bringing increased relevance to the profession of interior design and for IIDA. Leveraging the strengths that make us who we are in learning, advocacy, belonging and mentorship — and as futurists, optimists, leaders, strategists.”